Welcome to another new feature that may or may not continue infrequently--"Aw, Crap," which will be the blanket title for posts concerning toys, books, cake, pie, and other things ancillary to comics.Am I to drop my self-imposed toy-buying ban (beyond what tiny busts and so forth may be required for the desk at work to maintain some level of credibility)? Hasbro appears to think so. How do I know? Because they've begun releasing something called "Comics Packs."

It would appear that these will eventually include material from the
Dark Horse line (according to ads I saw, improbably, in
Dark Horse Comics themselves.) But the ones on the
Hasbro website appear to be starting with Marvels
Star Wars #1 and going an issue at a time from there.

Hasbro has no mercy. For now, they're just featuring the somewhat peculiar coloring and art from the Marvel adaptation of the first film (check out Chewie up there) back when an "expanded universe" was something you (and perhaps Mr. Lucas) experimented with in college between keggers and iced cream socials. But soon they'll leave the adaptation behind and get to characters like Crimson Jack, Valance the Hunter, and--choke--Shira Ellan Colla Brie. And I cannot
wait for "
Hoth Stuff" and beardy Wedge.